Page Time: 0.1123s

Memory: 4.3705 MB (Peak: 4.9250 MB)

Queries (35, time: 0.0363s, 32.4%)

  1. SELECT data_key, data_value
    FROM xf_data_registry
    WHERE data_key IN ('options', 'languages', 'contentTypes', 'codeEventListeners', 'deferredRun', 'simpleCache', 'addOns', 'defaultStyleProperties', 'routeFiltersIn', 'routeFiltersOut', 'routesPublic', 'nodeTypes', 'bannedIps', 'discouragedIps', 'styles', 'displayStyles', 'userBanners', 'smilies', 'bbCode', 'threadPrefixes', 'userTitleLadder', 'reportCounts', 'moderationCounts', 'userModerationCounts', 'notices', 'userFieldsInfo')
    Run Time: 0.000482
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_data_registryrangePRIMARYPRIMARY27 26Using where
  2. SELECT cache_value
    FROM xf_permission_combination
    WHERE permission_combination_id = ?
    Params: 1
    Run Time: 0.000250
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  3. SELECT thread.*
    		user.gender, user.avatar_date, user.gravatar,
    		NULL AS thread_read_date,
    		0 AS thread_reply_banned,
    		0 AS thread_is_watched,
    		'' AS draft_message, NULL AS draft_extra
    FROM xf_thread AS thread
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
    			(user.user_id = thread.user_id)
    WHERE thread.thread_id = ?
    Params: 723
    Run Time: 0.000578
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  4. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    	permission.cache_value AS node_permission_cache,
    		NULL AS forum_read_date
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    	LEFT JOIN xf_permission_cache_content AS permission
    		ON (permission.permission_combination_id = 1
    			AND permission.content_type = 'node'
    			AND permission.content_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 4
    Run Time: 0.000582
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  5. SELECT post.*
    		bb_code_parse_cache.parse_tree AS message_parsed, bb_code_parse_cache.cache_version AS message_cache_version,
    		user.*, IF(user.username IS NULL, post.username, user.username) AS username,
    		signature_parse_cache.parse_tree AS signature_parsed, bb_code_parse_cache.cache_version AS signature_cache_version,
    		session_activity.view_date AS last_view_date,
    		0 AS like_date
    FROM xf_post AS post
    		LEFT JOIN xf_bb_code_parse_cache AS bb_code_parse_cache ON
    			(bb_code_parse_cache.content_type = 'post' AND bb_code_parse_cache.content_id = post.post_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
    			(user.user_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user_profile AS user_profile ON
    			(user_profile.user_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user_privacy AS user_privacy ON
    			(user_privacy.user_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_bb_code_parse_cache AS signature_parse_cache ON
    			(signature_parse_cache.content_type = 'signature' AND signature_parse_cache.content_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_session_activity AS session_activity ON
    			(post.user_id > 0 AND session_activity.user_id = post.user_id AND session_activity.unique_key = CAST(post.user_id AS BINARY))
    WHERE post.thread_id = ?
    	 AND (post.position >= 0 AND post.position < 20) 
    	AND (post.message_state IN ('visible'))
    ORDER BY post.position ASC, post.post_date ASC
    Params: 723
    Run Time: 0.002800
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEpostrangethread_id_post_date,thread_id_positionthread_id_position8 20Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort
    SIMPLEbb_code_parse_cacheeq_refcontent_type_idcontent_type_id31const, where 
    SIMPLEsignature_parse_cacheeq_refcontent_type_idcontent_type_id31const, where,func1Using where
  6. INSERT  INTO xf_thread_view
    Params: 723
    Run Time: 0.000095
  7. INSERT INTO `xf_session` (`session_id`, `session_data`, `expiry_date`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    Params: 82adfdc7725edcc2c94bb8a34ce8db92, , 1714076859
    Run Time: 0.000219
  8. INSERT INTO xf_session_activity
    	(user_id, unique_key, ip, controller_name, controller_action, view_state, params, view_date, robot_key)
    	(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    	ip = VALUES(ip),
    	controller_name = VALUES(controller_name),
    	controller_action = VALUES(controller_action),
    	view_state = VALUES(view_state),
    	params = VALUES(params),
    	view_date = VALUES(view_date),
    	robot_key = VALUES(robot_key)
    Params: 0, , , XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread, Index, valid, thread_id=723, 1714073259,
    Run Time: 0.000126
  9. SELECT *
    FROM `xf_widget`
    WHERE `widget_page_id` = 0
    ORDER BY display_order ASC
    Run Time: 0.000332
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_widgetALL    16Using where; Using filesort
  10. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8342, a:3:{i:0;s:171:"Bu başlık altında bu parazitleri bularak tanımlayalım arkadaşlar. Daha önce planaryalara ev sahipliği yaptı akvaryumum. Bugünlerde ise 'kimliği belirsiz' yeni ";i:1;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:1:"u";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:3:"[u]";i:1;s:4:"[/u]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:9:"canlılar";}}i:2;s:793:" bir o yana bir bu yana gezinmekteler. Kalemin ucuyla yaptığımız küçük bir nokta kadarlar. Çok hareketliler. Camda, zeminde, filtre üzerinde gerçekten hızlı hareket ediyorlar. En garip olanıda örümcek gibi hareket edebiliyor olmaları. Dün iki tanesini bir arada gördüm. Gözüm sürekli üzerlerindeydi. Kaçırmak istemiyordum, inceliyordum onları. Bir süre sonra bir tanesinin suda asılı durduğunu farkettim. Biraz daha yaklaştım... Asılı durmasına duruyor fakat kendini yukarıya doğru çekiyordu. Çekiyordu diyorum çünkü o an örümcek izlenimi bıraktı bende... Bunlar neyin nesidir bilmiyorum. Bilenler, tahmini olanlar yorumlarını esirgemesinler.. Acaba oluşturmaya çalıştığımız ortam çok mu 'doğal' oldu.. :hasta: Saygılarımla...";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001891
  11. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8343, a:1:{i:0;s:122:"Yusufçuk (Dradonfly) larvası olmasın... Eğer o ise balıklarınıza saldırabilir... Resim ekleme şansınız var mı?";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001521
  12. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: signature, 209, a:1:{i:0;s:74:"Abdullah ÜZÜMCÜ ( Neverlander) Bio. Dr., Moleküler (Tıbbi) Genetik...";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001728
  13. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8344, a:1:{i:0;s:142:"Fotoğrafta görüneceğini hiç sanmıyorum hocam. Gerçekten çok küçükler. Ama gördüğüm zaman fotoğtaf çekmeye çalışacağım...";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001360
  14. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8345, a:1:{i:0;s:17:"Buna benziyor mu?";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001328
  15. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8346, a:1:{i:0;s:129:"Hayır. Yani en azından benim gördüklerim nokta kadar küçük, top gibi canlılar. Tabi benim gördüğüm şekilde öyleler.";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001080
  16. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8347, a:1:{i:0;s:60:"Abdullah benim bahsettiğim eşgale uyuyor bu resim.. :hink:";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001006
  17. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: signature, 264, a:1:{i:0;s:42:"130*45*55 High Tech Bitkili Karma Akvaryum";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001139
  18. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8348, a:1:{i:0;s:37:"Su piresi verdiniz mi yakın zamanda?";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001376
  19. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8349, a:1:{i:0;s:174:"Sivrisinek ya da başka bir sinek larvası olabilir.Resmini ekleyebilirsen çok iyi olur.Abdullah abinin dediği gibi yusufçuk da olabilir ama yusufçuk olacağını sanmam.";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001816
  20. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: signature, 260, a:1:{i:0;s:9:"Emrah ECE";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001377
  21. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8350, a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";s:6:"DuncaN";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:15:"[quote=DuncaN ]";i:1;s:8:"[/quote]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:38:" Su piresi verdinizmi yakın zamanda. ";}}i:1;s:189:" Ufuk Hocam, Artemia verdim sadece. O da bu canlıları görmeden 1-2 hafta önceydi. Arada kabuklularda kaçıyordu. Onlara da çok benziyorlar. Ama canlı kalırlar mı bu kadar süre ?";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001372
  22. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8351, a:2:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"quote";s:6:"option";s:10:"volkantr34";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:19:"[quote=volkantr34 ]";i:1;s:8:"[/quote]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:63:" Abdullah benim bahsettiğim eşgale uyuyor bu resim.. :hink: ";}}i:1;s:64:" Hakan Abi sana söylememiş miydi zaten "Yusufçuk"tur diye...";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001801
  23. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8352, a:2:{i:0;s:27:"Buna mı benziyordu peki? ";i:1;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:5:"color";s:6:"option";s:3:"red";s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:11:"[COLOR=red]";i:1;s:8:"[/COLOR]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:3:"tag";s:1:"b";s:6:"option";N;s:8:"original";a:2:{i:0;s:3:"[B]";i:1;s:4:"[/B]";}s:8:"children";a:1:{i:0;s:7:"Artemia";}}}}}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001168
  24. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8353, a:1:{i:0;s:80:"Bir de Türker bey bu linktekine bakın? Acaba salyangoz sülüğü olabilir mi?";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001231
  25. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8354, a:1:{i:0;s:129:"Artemianın açılmamış, kabuklu haline benziyordu hocam. Verdiğiniz linki takip etmiştim. Gerçekten buna da benzemiyor...";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001134
  26. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8355, a:1:{i:0;s:32:"Bu linktekilerden biri mi acaba?";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001146
  27. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8356, a:1:{i:0;s:32:"Veya bunlardan biri olabilir mi?";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001030
  28. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8357, a:1:{i:0;s:430:"Abdullah abi benim gambusyaları salalım Türker'in akvaryumuna, bir tane kalmaz o kimliği belirsiz şeylerden :D :D :D Şaka bir yana Türker kardeşim eğer onlar, uçabilen bir şeyin larvaları ise en yaın zamanda önlemini al bence ve elini akvayuma sokman gerekirse güzelce sabunla yıkamayı unutma. Herhangi bir sinek larvası olabilir. Sağlığını tehlikeye atma.Ne olur ne olmaz.Onları yok etmenin çaresine bak.";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001338
  29. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8358, a:1:{i:0;s:336:"Belki bunlar olabilir. Yapıları nedeniyle olabilir diyorum. Benim gördüklerimin kaşı, gözü görünmüyor çünkü. Ama benim gördüklerim 1 mm kadar. Daha büyük değiller. Krem gibi bir rengi var ayrıca... Plea brunni Neoplea striola Uğraşınız için çok teşekkür ederim hocam...Bu saatte uğraştırıyorum sizi..";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001091
  30. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8359, a:1:{i:0;s:94:"O zaman Ufuk Bey'in sorduğu gibi bunlar "su piresi"... Balıklarınız yiyorlar mı bunları?";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.000978
  31. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8360, a:1:{i:0;s:205:"Balıklarıma hiç su piresi vermedim bugüne kadar..Akvaryumda yavrular olmasına rağmen umursamıyorlar.. Bitkilerle gelme ihtimali nedir bilmiyorum fakat en son 1,5 ay önce bitki ekledim akvaryumuma.";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001283
  32. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 8361, a:1:{i:0;s:249:"Bugün daha detaylı araştırıp sorduğunuz soruları cevaplamaya çalışırım, Türker Bey... Başka gözlemleriniz olursa veya unuttuğunuz küçük ayıntılar lütfen konu başlığına ekleyin... Resim de olursa "Ala!"... İyi geceler...";}, 1572939232, 1714073259
    Run Time: 0.001005
  33. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    INNER JOIN xf_thread AS thread ON
    	(thread.node_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE (thread.thread_id = 723)
     LIMIT 1
    Run Time: 0.000371
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  34. SELECT node.*
    FROM xf_node AS node
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 165
    Run Time: 0.000153
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  35. SELECT node.*
    FROM xf_node AS node
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 3
    Run Time: 0.000142
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Included Files (135, XenForo Classes: 66)

  1. index.php
  2. library/XenForo/Autoloader.php
  3. library/XenForo/Application.php
  4. library/Zend/Registry.php
  5. library/Lgpl/utf8.php
  6. library/Zend/Config.php
  7. library/config.php
  8. library/XenForo/FrontController.php
  9. library/XenForo/Dependencies/Public.php
  10. library/XenForo/Dependencies/Abstract.php
  11. library/Zend/Controller/Request/Http.php
  12. library/Zend/Controller/Request/Abstract.php
  13. library/Zend/Uri.php
  14. library/Zend/Controller/Response/Http.php
  15. library/Zend/Controller/Response/Abstract.php
  16. library/XenForo/Model/DataRegistry.php
  17. library/XenForo/Model.php
  18. library/Zend/Db.php
  19. library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php
  20. library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php
  21. library/Zend/Db/Select.php
  22. library/Zend/Db/Expr.php
  23. library/Zend/Db/Profiler.php
  24. library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php
  25. library/Zend/Db/Statement.php
  26. library/Zend/Db/Statement/Interface.php
  27. library/Zend/Db/Profiler/Query.php
  28. library/XenForo/CodeEvent.php
  29. library/XenForo/Options.php
  30. library/XenForo/Link.php
  31. library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php
  32. library/WidgetFramework/Listener.php
  33. library/WidgetFramework/Option.php
  34. library/XenForo/Router.php
  35. library/XenForo/Route/Filter.php
  36. library/XenForo/Route/Interface.php
  37. library/XenForo/Route/ResponseSuffix.php
  38. library/XenForo/Route/Prefix.php
  39. library/WidgetFramework/Route/Filter/PageX.php
  40. library/XenForo/Route/Prefix/Threads.php
  41. library/XenForo/RouteMatch.php
  42. library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Thread.php
  43. library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Abstract.php
  44. library/XenForo/Controller.php
  45. library/ConvMan/Listener/LoadClassController.php
  46. library/SigRestrict/Listener.php
  47. library/Merc/Listener/History/LoadClass.php
  48. library/XenPlus/Listener/LoadClass.php
  49. library/XenPlus/Listener/Abstract.php
  50. library/Tapatalk/Listener/LoadClassModel.php
  51. library/WidgetFramework/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Thread.php
  52. library/XenForo/Input.php
  53. library/XenForo/Session.php
  54. library/XenForo/Helper/Ip.php
  55. library/XenForo/Visitor.php
  56. library/XenForo/Model/User.php
  57. library/Waindigo/AdvUserPromo/Listener/LoadClassModel.php
  58. library/Waindigo/Listener/LoadClass.php
  59. library/Waindigo/Listener/LoadClass/20120202.php
  60. library/WidgetFramework/XenForo/Model/User.php
  61. library/XenForo/Permission.php
  62. library/XenForo/Helper/Php.php
  63. library/XenForo/Phrase.php
  64. library/XenForo/Locale.php
  65. library/XenForo/ControllerHelper/ForumThreadPost.php
  66. library/XenForo/ControllerHelper/Abstract.php
  67. library/XenForo/Model/Thread.php
  68. library/WidgetFramework/XenForo/Model/Thread.php
  69. library/XenForo/Model/Forum.php
  70. library/XenForo/Helper/String.php
  71. library/XenForo/Helper/Discussion.php
  72. library/XenForo/Model/Post.php
  73. library/XenForo/Model/Attachment.php
  74. library/XenForo/Model/Node.php
  75. library/Tapatalk/Model/Node.php
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  77. library/XenForo/Route/Prefix/Forums.php
  78. library/XenForo/ControllerResponse/View.php
  79. library/XenForo/ControllerResponse/Abstract.php
  80. library/XenForo/Helper/Cookie.php
  81. library/Tapatalk/Listener/ControllerPostDispatch.php
  82. library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlPublic.php
  83. library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php
  84. library/XenForo/Template/Public.php
  85. library/XenForo/Template/Abstract.php
  86. library/WidgetFramework/Core.php
  87. library/XenForo/Model/Moderator.php
  88. library/WidgetFramework/Model/Widget.php
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  92. library/XenForo/ViewPublic/Base.php
  93. library/XenForo/View.php
  94. library/WidgetFramework/XenForo/View1.php
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  98. library/XenForo/ViewPublic/Helper/Message.php
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  100. library/XenForo/Route/Prefix/Members.php
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  102. library/XenForo/Template/FileHandler.php
  103. library/XenForo/Helper/File.php
  104. internal_data/templates/S.3,L.2,thread_view.php
  105. library/Tapatalk/EventListener/Hook.php
  106. library/ConvMan/Listener/Hook.php
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  108. library/Waindigo/Listener/TemplateHook.php
  109. library/Waindigo/Listener/TemplateHook/20120613.php
  110. library/Waindigo/Listener/Template.php
  111. library/Waindigo/Listener/Template/20120702.php
  112. library/TilkiBey/ReadPC/Listener/Listener.php
  113. library/Merc/Listener/History/TemplateHook.php
  114. library/XenPlus/Listener/TemplateHook.php
  115. library/XenPlus/Helper/Listener.php
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  118. library/Waindigo/Listener/TemplatePostRender.php
  119. library/Waindigo/Listener/TemplatePostRender/20120212.php
  120. library/Merc/Listener/History/TemplatePostRender.php
  121. library/XenPlus/Listener/TemplatePostRender.php
  122. library/Tapatalk/Listener/TemplatePostRender.php
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  125. library/XenForo/Model/Avatar.php
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  128. internal_data/templates/S.3,L.2,bb_code_tag_quote.php
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  131. library/XenForo/Debug.php
  132. internal_data/templates/S.3,L.2,PAGE_CONTAINER.php
  133. mobiquo/mbqFrame/3rdLib/classTTConnection.php
  134. mobiquo/smartbanner/
  135. library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Json.php